Health & Safety


We at Clarke Contracts fully recognise the duties placed on us by the Health & Safety at Work Order (NI) 1978 and all other relevant legislation. We recognise that we have a duty to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees and sub-contractors, so far as is reasonably practicable and are committed to ensuring that these obligations are met,  and wherever reasonably practicable we shall exceed them.


Clarke Contracts believe that the provision of a safe working environment and systems will enhance the company’s health and safety climate. It is therefore considered that excellent health and safety performance directly contributes to our commercial success.


A typical example of some of the day to day H&S procedures carried out by Clarke Contracts is as follows

·        Active monitoring, through inspections, audits and safety reviews as an essential element of                          performance improvement.

·        Weekly Tool Box talks and site inspections

·        Reporting of near misses, dangerous occurrences and accidents

·        Production of site specific RAMS tailored for each and every project

·        Issue of PPE to employees and sub-contractors


In July 2020 our Safe T Cert accreditation was upgraded to a three year certificate, highlighting our commitment to the continuous improvement of health and safety 

We also hold the Enviro Cert accreditation, showing our commitment to reducing our waste and carbon footprint


As part of our ongoing commitment to Health, Safety and the environment, Clarke Contracts has successfully attained accreditation to the rigorous standards set by the following schemes:




Enviro Cert

Health & Safety

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